Vanessa Lucas & Joan Luikis
2nd Cookie Exchange

Glen Ellyn, Illinois

Hi Robin!

My mom and I hosted our 2nd Annual Cookie Exchange on December 10th from 1-4 p.m., the number of participants grew from last year. We provided appetizers, coffee, soda, and wine. Some of the guests brought appetizers for us all to enjoy too. We had so much fun!

We awarded prizes for Best Presentation and Most Festive Dressed. I had all the guests write on a piece of paper their votes so that I could make it fair. Each guest brought 8 dozen cookies again; 7 were for exchanging and 1 dozen was for presentation. I was so impressed by the displays that came to the exchange. We gave everyone a recipe booklet with all the recipes from the exchange; all the guests emailed or sent me a hard copy of each recipe.

We went around telling the story of why we chose each cookie. We asked for each guest to bring a $5 wrapped gift and we played the left/right game that was suggested on your site. There was also a drawing for three prizes and we gave each guest a plastic candy dish filled with homemade candy; white chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate oatmeal hasties, and peanut butter balls. In a bag with the candy dish were small holiday themed recipe booklets. Two of the guests couldn't attend the exchange so we exchanged their cookies.

The cookie assortment exchanged was as follows:
Amish White Cookies
Canteen Bars
Caramel-Pecan Snappers
Chewy Toffee Bits Cookies
Chocolate Cherry Thumbprint Cookie
Chocolate Chip Mandel Bread
Chocolate Crinkles - Cathy Howe
Chocolate Filled Russian Teacakes
Erin’s Pecan Squares
Fudge Tarts
Grandma Williams' Spritz Cookies
Half & Half’s
Michelle Martinez’s Biscotti Cookies
Original Oatmeal Cookies
Peanut Butter Kisses
Pecan Tassies
Potato Chip Cookies

Thanks again for providing us with all the information we need to throw a successful cookie exchange.

Vanessa Lucas & Joan Luikis
Glen Ellyn, IL

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