Allyson Modula's
1st Cookie Exchange

December 9, 2006
Parsippany, NJ

Hi Robin,

My name is Allyson Modula. I am from Parsippany, NJ. I just had my first Cookie exchange and it was absolutely fantastic.

The exchange was such a great experience for my family and friends. It would not have run so smoothly if I didn’t find your website and also your message board. Both were so helpful for this event.

I had invited 30 people and I gotten 17 responses that people would be attending. Everyone had a great time. I included your rules in my invitation and to be honest everyone thought I was nuts when it came to the rules.

But you know what Robin, by me including those rules in the invitation I had some beautiful cookies. I had 17 different varieties of cookies. There were no duplicates and when the girls came to my party and experienced the event they said that the rules made total sense.

I had one lady that was there that said she has gone to many cookie exchanges and this was the best one due to the variety of cookies and the way it was organized.

Everyone is looking forward to next year’s event. There are some that are already planning their cookies for next year. It will now become an on going tradition in my home.

We played the left, right game with 4 ornaments that I purchased and then I had prizes for Best Display, Prettiest Cookie, Most Festive Dress, Most unique cookie, and candy Coal for the person that wasn’t dressed in the holiday spirit.

I also had a wide variety of appetizers and great cocktails. There was mulled wine, pomegranate martinis, wine spritzers, Kahlua and Milk, and a beautiful and tasty cranberry punch.

Food ranged from shrimp cocktail, sushi, chicken Caesar salad, cheese and cracker platter, veggie platter, grilled veggie kabobs, pigs in blanket, mini quiches (thanks for that idea Robin!), mini ruebens, plus other assorted hot and cold appetizers.

For dessert I had a fruit platter with chocolate dip, mini Italian pastries, and I also had the Gingerbread Trifle which was a big hit.

I have attached a picture of the group. I am one with the reindeer ears in the middle.

I also attached a picture of the best display since it was so creative. My mom’s friend Sue made Mexican wedding cookies and displayed them with some of her Christmas figures and had the display lit up. She also had a tape recorder under the table that played Christmas music. It was so festive and such a creative idea.

The other 2 pictures show you the display of cookies we had.

I hope you can post these. I am sure the girls would love to see themselves on your web.

Thanks again Robin for all of your suggestions and help. I hope you and your family have a great holiday season and I hope your cookie swap this year is grand!

Allyson Modula

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