Lynda Anderson's Cookie Exchange

Hello Robin,

First, I love your web site and the news letters. I want to thank you again for all your wonderful advise and suggestions for a Cookie Exchange I planned for December 12, 2007.

It was wonderful and everyone had a super time. I had 15 ladies counting myself. I incorporated an Ornament Exchange and an appetizer buffet luncheon with it and what a success. It was a lot of work but well worth it.

I called the ladies on my guest list a few weeks before I sent the invitations out which was about three weeks before the Cookie Exchange was to take place. I wanted to find out who was interested and able to attend since it was during the busy time of the Christmas Holiday.

When I sent my invitations I included two Christmas Recipe Cards. I asked everyone to bring 5 dozen of their favorite cookies to exchange as well as another dozen for a sample bar. One recipe was to go on the exchange table and the other one was to go with the dozen on the sample bar.

My husband cut several small blocks that I wrapped in striped foil Christmas paper with a bow. We drilled a hole in the top of each block and I inserted some floral picks on each one of them to hold the recipe cards. They sat in back of each ladies beautifully arranged cookies. Cookies galore!!! What a display!!!

We played your "Left/Right" game with the ornaments as I read the story. It was so much fun. I try to be very organized and had everything in the computer from the start of the party to the end including food, games, and gifts.

I alternated and wrapped two red and two white tea lights in cellophane and tied a bow at each end, which I gave out as party favors. They were a hit and very festive. At the actual time of the exchange I had all the ladies stand in front of their cookies and each one introduced themselves and told about their cookies. We had a lot of laughs over some of them.

They all worked so hard to make their particular cookie a success. And they were. I also made all the ladies a Cookie Cook Book from all the recipes and pictures I took during the party. I have enclosed a couple of pictures of my party. I hope they come through ok.

Thanks again.