Lynn Battles'
3rd Cookie Exchange

Syracuse, NY

Hello Robin, I am very proud to say this is my Third Annual Cookie Exchange. It all began with your website and I continue to use it as guidance. Ever since the first exchange I have given a prize for best presentation of their cookies and this year the competition was very high.

The winner was a cookie exchange virgin and she was making stained glass cookies so in order to show them off she brought a 2’ artificial tree with white lights on it and hung her beautiful stained glass cookies from the tree as ornaments. What a site it was. It is in the background of my picture.

That was not the only cleverly put together presentation everyone takes that part of the party very seriously. I have some competitive friends. We had a lot of fun again this year and I am forever grateful to your website for starting this wonderful tradition for us !!

Have a Very Merry Holiday,
Lynn Battles
Syracuse, NY