Colleen Cannatelli's 3rd Cookie Exchange
Howell, New Jersey

Dear Robin,
Happy 08. Our 3rd Annual Cookie Swap took place on December 1st. This years theme was cookies from around the world. We started planning early of course and were able to send out an invitation that looked like a passport.

We had 7 swappers this year and did more laughing than anything. Especially with my aunt who is the Christmas Tree complete with the tree stand and skirt and then there was my mother the Irish Elf. There was a nice assortment of cookies and the presentations were outstanding.

We snacked on swedish meatballs, and other dishes from other countries. We had a gift exchange where you could take someone elses gift (poor Ellen), and we wore bells and couldn't say the word snow ( that was forecasted for later that night.

Thanks again for all the idea's. I also bought the Cookie Exchange Handbook and it helps keep everything organized.

Colleen Cannatelli
Howell, New Jersey