Joan & Vanessa's
3rd Annual Cookie Exchange

Glen Ellyn, Illinois

Hi Robin!

We hosted our third exchange on December 9, 2007. We had a nice turnout for the event. Several guests brought appetizers to go along with the appetizers that we provided. We also had wine, pop, strawberry lemonade, and coffee. Prizes were awarded for the Best Overall Presentation of Cookie and the Best Looking Cookie.

Each winner got a set of Williams-Sonoma cookie cutters. We shared stories of why we chose our cookie and each guest brought a $5 gift to play the take away game. The parting gifts were a plastic cookie cutter tied to a magnetic paper pad with a candy cane attached.

Again this year, I asked for each guest to bring 8 dozen cookies; 1 dozen for display and 7 dozen for exchanging. The cookies exchanged were as follows:

Aurelias Pecan Crescent Cookies
Brandy Balls
Brown Eyed Susans
Caramel Heavenlies
Chocolate Bliss Macadamia Cookies
Chocolate Crinkles
Chocolate Peppermint Shortbread
Chocolate Pistachio Swirls
Christmas Sugar Cookies
Danish Cookie Rings
Eggnog Snickerdoodles
Frosted Sour Cream Chocolate Drops
Neiman Marcus Cookies
Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies
Peppermint Choco Crisps
Praline Cookies
Soft and Chewy Chocolate Bites
Toffee Squares
White Chocolate Meltaways
Yuletide Linzer Bars

Thank you again for being there to provide assistance in planning our cookie exchanges and for all your hard work on your website.

Joan & Vanessa