Antonietta Guerra's 3rd Cookie Exchange
Melbourne, Australia

Hi Robin,
Happy New Year. On the last Sunday in November 2008 we held our third annual cookie exchange. It's become one of the highlights of our Christmas calendar and a great way for a group of friends to catch up before Christmas.

We essentially have the same girls with a couple of additions this year and my sister playing host. A lot of thought is put in by everyone into the type of cookies baked and the packaging.

We had a great array of cookies including Italian style biscotti, florentines and macaroons. My sister made a great 'chocolate spider' Christmas tree. We played the 'left/right' game for the first time with my niece writing and reading the dialogue. I love looking at everyone else's photos and reading their comments for ideas. 2009's cookie exchange has already been booked in. Thanks again for your website. I've attached a few photos.

"Chocolate Spider Tree"