Barb Sannes
1st Cookie Exchange

Salem, Ohio

Dear Robin, Thank you for you marvelous web site. It helped me immensely in planning & preparing for my 1st annual cookie exchange which I held Thursday, December 11 at my home. I had 7 ladies come, one couldn't be there but had cookies to exchange. I heard a lot of "I'm so glad you did this" and "Please do this again next year"! I felt like a million bucks.

I played the "Wright Family" left right game with home-made salt dough snowmen that I made. Also played Name that Christmas Tune, Christmas Trivia, and what is in your purse. I had lots of prizes and a door prize. Made up snowman soup for each guest to take home with them. Found darling snowman mugs to put it all in. Printed one of the snowman soup poems and attached it to the plastic wrap around the mug. My theme was snowmen.

After months of planning this grand event, I almost didn't get to go through with it because I sprained my foot. Dear darling husband came to the rescue and cleaned and polished till things sparkled and HE pulled it off for me. I hated to chase him out when guests started to arrive. :)

Thanks again Robin!

Barb Sannes, Salem, Ohio