Tina and Tammie's 3rd Cookie Exchange
Santa Rosa, California

Hi Robin,

Here are a few photos from our 3rd annual cookie exchange. We had a lot of fun, as we do every year we have this party. The ladies out did themselves with their baking skills. We had prizes for games played as well as for best tasting, best themed and best overall cookie and candy. We played pass the bow, guess what's in the stocking, and guess which classic christmas cartoon character you are. Pass the bow was a team game. So 10 ladies won a prize for that game, and My sister in law Amy won the stocking and which classic cartoon character are you game. For that, she won a classic christmas cartoon (Santa Claus is coming to town)

And our winners were.................Best overall cookie prize went to Debra for her Galaxy Cookies

Best tasting cookie pirze went to Patty (wink wink) for her potato chip cookies

Best themed cookie/platter went to my Aunt Sand for her peanut butter blossoms

Best overall candy prize went to Jessica for her dark/white pistachio bark

Best tasting candy prize went to Willow for her Andes chocolate mint fudge

Best themed candy/platter prize went to Betty for her Rum and fudge balls

I wanted the ladies to see their name in lights. :) They worked hard and I wanted them to know Tina I appreciate their efforts and their treats.

In fact all the ladies did an excellent job with their cookies and candies and let me tell you, my work was loving me for sharing!

Until next year!

Warm wishes to all,

~Tina and Tammie