the history of the Cookie Exchange?"
This is one of the most frequently asked questions that I get. Since 1997,
I've stated that the oldest published Cookie Exchange history that I have
or know of was from a recipe pamphlet that I inherited from my mother in
law, dated 1962.
After being asked this question yet again five times just this week, I decided
to search the web again to seek an answer. Then the proverbial light bulb
went off over my head...
I've been a member of
Ancestry.com for the last few years and I have access
to their extensive Historical Newspapers Collection ! When seeking
information on ancestors, one can search the genealogical database
by putting in a First Name and a Last Name and the dates in
which ancestors lived. So my search started like this:
First Name: Cookies Last Name:
Year Range: 1830-1930
And then I hit the Search button... and over a thousand articles pulled up!
Obviously I couldn't copy them all but I did copy a few, see my folder screenshot
below and notice the dates. The earliest printed reference is 1936 in
Syracuse, NY.
One would be correct and could easily say that the Cookie Exchange as we
know it, came to be in the early 20th Century. The question of "who first"
lingers, but the bottom line is that we will probably never know who 'thought
of it first'. It may be the kind of event that cropped up all over
the place around the same time.
After copying and viewing all the above articles, I feel comfortable in reporting
that the Cookie Exchange has been around for at least 70 years, as documented
by newspapers around the US. It's been done by relatives, friends, neighbors,
womens groups, social clubs, churches and schools and has primarily been
a "ladies only" event.
We'll never know who formalized the Cookie Exchange, but if you think about
it, people have been doing versions of Cookie Exchanges for as long as there
have been, well, people !
For thousands of years people have been gathering in groups for feasts, making
and sharing foods in a celebratory way.
In that respect the Cookie Exchange has been around forever.
-Robin Olson
Dec. 17, 2005
Permission is needed to copy my information for an article or reprint.
Email: robin@robinsweb.com
Syracuse, New York, 1936