Gingerbread House Drawing Game
(Copy instructions to your PC)

To play this game, either sit guests at a table or give clipboards, with paper and pencil. The twist? They must play the game blindfolded. Best picture wins.

The host will call the instructions to 'blind guests'.

1) Draw the outline of a gingerbread house (or host could do and give out copies to start)

2) Draw a door on your gingerbread house.

3) Draw a window on the left side of your gingerbread house.

4) Draw a window on the right side of your gingerbread house.

5) Add a chimney.

6) Draw a candy cane on the right side of the door.

7) Draw a path to the door of your gingerbread house.

8) Draw snow on the roof.

9) Draw a wreath on the door.

10) Draw a Gingerbread man standing on the roof!

11) Write your name on the top of the paper.

Blind folds off... Host or group decides who did it best!

This game above is from Gingerbread Party Games for kids... but I changed it up to make it an adult party game, i.e. added the blindfold element and changed some options. See more kid game ideas through the above link.