Maria's Left/Right Game

I looked right at the calendar and realized there’s only a couple months left. Octoberwas staring me right in the face; just the right time to jump right into planninga cookie exchange. I wanted to make sure to invite the right peopleand that no one got left off the list. Its all in the detailsand it helps to write a list, so that nothing is left to chance. The more done right right now, the less that's left till the last minute, right?

I have to select the right invitations and write the addresses by hand to set right the mood.Last yearI forgot and left off the requestfor gueststo bring copies of their recipes; I don't want that left off again this year.My cookie recipe must alsobe just right, soI don't end up a nervous wreck right before the big day. As the hostess, I can'tget leftright in the dust by my failure to plan; that just wouldn't be right.

Maybe I should experiment right now, so that no recipe is left unturned. Perhaps I should go right to my recipe books, thumbing right and left though the pages, searching for a goodie left by the sugarplum fairies.Then again, there are untested recipes left over from last year, or I could tweak an old recipe with some ingredients left out.

With the right ones added in, itcould be a winner. I can't letmy luncheon menu get left till the last minute either.I just need the right inspiration for the righttheme and all my worriescan be left behind. I can'tbe left a nervous wreck the day before because I didn't make the right choices. It will all be all right as long as nothing is left to chance. As long as no detail is left unaddressedand I stay right on schedule, there will be nothing left to do at the last minute but enjoy! Happy Holidays!