Rose Gaskill's

1st Cookie Exchange
Flower Mound, Texas

Hi Robin...

I Hosted my First Cookie Exchange this year and it was a blast!

Every year our BUNKO group has a Christmas party in place of playing BUNKO...I was to have it at my house so I thought it would be fun to have a Cookie exchange also! I sent out the invitation and requested that everyone show up in their Best Christmas PJ's...and to bring 7 dozen cookies... 6 to exchange and one for the desert table, so we can all sample them throughout the evening... and also a favorite appetizer.

We played a Christmas version of the left-right game and everyone enjoyed that.

We all had a fantastic time...thanks to you & your wonderful site, you made it so fun & easy!

Here are a some photos of us...(I am in the front with the blue PJ's with the pink pelicans on them!)...

Take Care...

Rose Gaskill
Flower Mound, Texas

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