Debbie Stolpman's 6th
Cookie Exchange Party

Reno, Nevada

Hi Robin,

Attached are pics of my recent Christmas Cookie Exchange party. This would be my 6th cookie exchange. Every year I make homemade minestrone soup among other appetizers and of course have lots of laughs playing games at the party.

My cookies have edible food colouring pen written on the frosting saying "Cookie Party 2007".  Everyone put so much great effort into their cookie baking this year as you can see. And, the same gal who won for "best cookie" last year won again this year! (the white and blue snowflake decorated cookies). My daughter took the picture of the group and one gal had to leave early, so including myself there were 20 gals!  I, as the hostess, am the gal in the middle with the gold blouse.

Thanks for your newsletters and website which is always fun to visit. 

Best Wishes for a great New Year too, from your friends in Reno, Nevada!

Debbie Stolpman, cookie hostess!

Best Cookie!