Diana Watkins
3rd Annual Cookie Exchange
San Antonio, Texas

Well, another successful year. I held my 3rd Annual Cookie Exchange on December 15th at 11:00 am. The theme this year was "The Twelve Days of Christmas. " Each person was assigned a day and their invitation was personalized for that day.

The attire was "in the theme of your day." All twelve invitees attended. We had great food, lots of laughs and played several games.

Thank you for all of your hard work with your web site. I couldn't have started this wonderful adventure without you. I've attached a few pictures.

Diana Watkins
San Antonio, Texas

The Group Picture

The table

The Twelve Days of Christmas Ornaments

Debbie’s Two Turtle Doves

Kia’s Eight Maids A-Milking

Linda’s Three French Hens

The cookies