Kim Hurley's 5th Annual Cookie Exchange
South Lyon Michigan

Hi Robin!

Here's my first ever submission of cookie exchange pictures. The panoramic one is from 2008 and the other 2 are from 2007.

It was my 5th annual exchange. In prior years, I've had everyone bring 1/2 dozen per participant, prepackaged cookies (2007) but this year I did it a little different.

Bakers were to bring 8 dozen cookies. 7 Dozen on tray for exchanging and then the last dozen in a pretty homemade or bought container (up to $5 value) These were used as the prizes for the Left/Right game. Everyone loved it.

AND if they didn't like the cookies they received, at least the container was cute :)

A huge tradition as well for me is the unwrapping/dice game. 2 dice go round the table. When you roll a six, hop up and get to the present chair (there are 2). Don the appropriate clothing (it changes each year) and gloves and work on opening the present. You get to the prize, it's yours- but someones always rolling and usually there's a friendly scuffle.

Usually about 25 women attend and there's always newbies that come and then become regulars. Enjoy!

Kim Hurley, South Lyon, Michigan