Tracy O'Connell's 12th Cookie Exchange
Sewell, New Jersey

Hi Robin!
Happy New Year to you and your family! Attached are some pictures from my 12th Annual Cookie Swap which was held on Friday, December 19th. We had 10 swappers this year and the rest of the girls that attended brought amazing appetizers and other goodies to share with everyone.

We had an ornament exchange and our theme was stockings this year (6 girls participated in this). We wore our Christmas pajamas and even Santa stopped by for a surprise visit (shhhhhh, it's my friend Michelle's brother)! Santa tasted all of the cookies (pictured on a plate below) and picked his favorite one!

My friend Pam won for her Chocolate Crinkles which were really good - they tasted like brownies! She won a "Family & Friends" plate that you pass along to other family & friends after you've written your name on the bottom.

My friend Rose made the amazing broccoli & cauliflower Christmas tree (pictured below). I also took a close-up of the detail on the mice around the bottom of the tree. This is the same lady who made the cream cheese snowman in 2007 and the stuffed penguins in 2006 (she's so creative!).

My friend Michelle made little bags of hot chocolate mix with marshmallows and gave them to everyone. Even our Maltese Maizie joined the fun by wearing her Santa suit & hat! We had a great time and are already excited for next year's swap!

Tracy O'Connell - Sewell, NJ

Email Tracy at:

To make this festive appetizer, click here: