Cynde Sonnier's 2nd Cookie Exchange
Mont Belvieu, Texas

Hi Robin,

I had my second annual Cookie Exchange on December 5th, 2009. My theme was Gingerbread men. We played three games, the Reindeer Game, Pass the Present, and Cookie Exchange Concentration. Everyone had a great time.

I served appetizers, and I also made a snowman out of a cheese ball recipe, it was a big hit. We all baked 5 dozen cookies and had prizes for best tasting, best looking, and best presentation, where my husband and a nephew were judges.

I also gave out door prizes to 4 people who had a gingerbread man under their plate. Our nine month pregnant daughter was there “our first grandbaby” and she had a great time, so much that the next morning she gave birth…She kept saying, all I want is to not have the baby until after the cookie exchange. Well she just made it…

The picture with the girl with the panty hose on her head is my daughter and my great niece with her. I included a picture of my daughter holding her newborn several days after the cookie exchange. They are both fine. Thanks again for great ideas. Can’t wait until next year…

Cynde Sonnier, Mont Belvieu, Texas

PS) …I’m wearing the apron I made with my Gingerbread Men theme!