Patti Fox's 5th Cookie Exchange
Jackson, New Jersey

Merry Christmas! I just had my fifth cookie swap and can't believe it's over! We had eight guests, but seven bakers, who all baked 7 dozen cookies (an extra dozen was put aside for the cookie contests and swapped later in the evening with the other cookies).
One guest was not able to bake but she joined in the fun (we sent her home with cookies; though, after all, it is all about the cookies lol).

I found prize ribbons at Michael's for "Best Tasting Cookie", "Most Creative Cookie", "Best Cookie Display", etc, and attached them to the winners' prize bags/baskets. I also gave out festive prizes for all the games like Christmas scented candles, holiday scented hand soaps, holiday martini glasses, cookbooks, etc.

The Holiday Right/Left game was still a hit and had us all laughing while we played. The classic 'Guess What's In The Stocking' left many in awe when I revealed its contents to find a winner! Trivia game is always fun to see who the "Christmas Expert" is.

This year we played the Dirty Santa game and it was a huge success. It was so much fun 'stealing' prizes from one another - especially since we had such great ones. There were three women who joined us for the first time and can't wait till next year's swap already!

As always, there were plenty of appetizers, cocktails, beverages and desserts for all to enjoy. This year's favor was a mini rubber holiday decorated spatula, magnet, and cookbook with everyone's recipes. Of course, no cookie swap is ever a true success without wonderful friends to share it with! Thanks to you all!

Patti Jackson
