Barb Sannes 3rd Cookie Exchange
Salem, Ohio

Robin, Again, hat's off to you for all your advice on your web site and being able to view so many other ladies parties which has given so much help in planning and preparing my own.

I had 10 ladies at my 3rd annual cookie exchange. This is one of the best things I ever started. I had hot roast beef sandwiches, chicken salad sandwiches, chips & dip, baby carrots, creamy finger jello, Ritzy mint patties, Cheese logs, pumpkin tarts, and wassail and eggless eggnog to drink.

We played an apron memory game (cooking utensils tacked on an apron), name your favorite Christmas song, name as many Christmas songs as you can, and then we shared some cooking, baking, or household hints. I always have the ladies tell the name of their cookie and why they chose that particular kind.

Here is what one of my new guests wrote me afterward:
"Dear Hostess of the cookie Shebangs, You must be Martha Stewart's 1st cousin. She would have been happy to attend. You created a festive air and your guests were able to enjoy a lovely evening... "

WOW what a compliment. Made me feel like a million bucks. I don't do it for the compliments... but we sure do have fun!

Barb Sannes, Salem, Ohio
