By: Megan O'Hara

It was right before Christmas and so much was left to do. In my typical style, my thoughts have left me feeling overwhelmed and stressed for the holidays.

As usual, my husband is right about these things. He reminds me not to get worked up about the little stuff. Inevitably, I write his advice off in my mind. With a 'to do' list like mine, there is nothing left in me to be optimistic. So, I go off and tackle my next task. It's time to decorate the tree. What better way to get me in the holiday spirit, right?

As I sort through what's left of the decorations, I notice our cat, Mr. Cartwright, is doing the same. Apparently, he has feasted his eyes on a treasure that's left him pleased. Curiously, I jump to my feet towards the cat. My husband must have left the front door open because our startled cat ran right out the door. Not only has he left the house, but he's also left with my precious angel tree topper! Rightfully so, I feel my blood pressure starting to rise!

Thinking of a plan, I look out the door to the left, no cat. I look to the right, nothing there either. Surely he hasn't left our yard with my angel! I look above me. Sitting right up in the tree, I see Mr. Cartwright with his new treasure. I realize I have no choice left but to climb that tree. As I ascend, I see him feasting on what's left of my dear angel! In a scurry, my left foot slips and fall right down in the cold snow.

Frozen, I lie right there in the snow, realizing this day has left me emotionally discouraged. As I collect my thoughts, I see something falling down from the tree. The angel's right wing gracefully floats down and lands on my face. Instead of losing my cool, I simply start to laugh. I've been missing the point about the holidays. I need to focus on the right stuff; otherwise I will be left feeling crabby for Christmas.

So this holiday, I wish you much love, happiness and peace. Without these, nothing important is left, (reader pauses) right?